A fracture is a break in the bone. The word fracture and break are used synonymously. Toe fractures can occur when an unprotected foot strikes a hard object. If the toe is abnormally bent, one of the bones within the toe may break. The fracture may be displaced or dislocated (out of position).
Treating Toe Fractures
Simple fractures of the four smaller toes heal typically without a cast. Certain measures, including splinting the toe or toes together for stability of the fracture site with tape or nylon fastening (Velcro) to the adjacent toes for several weeks and wearing comfortable shoes, can provide comfort and protect the toe.
Stiff-soled shoes support the fracture, and wide, soft shoes place less pressure on the swollen toe. If walking in normal shoes is too painful, our Albuquerque podiatrist can prescribe specially fabricated boots. Depending on the severity of the pain, your podiatrist may also prescribe pain medication for the first few days.
A fracture of the big toe (hallux) tends to be more severe than that of the other toes, causing more intense pain, swelling, and bleeding under the skin. A big toe can break when a person stubs it or drops a heavy object onto it. Fractures that affect the joint of the big toe may require surgery.
Stress Fractures
A stress fracture of the metatarsals (the long bones in the middle of the foot) can occur when a person walks or runs excessively. Putting full weight on the foot causes increased pain. The affected area on the metatarsal bone is tender to touch, with swelling, but no bruising.
It is typically painful with activity and goes away with rest. Stress fractures are small cracks on the outer lining of the bone which typically do not show up on x-ray for up to two weeks. When a developing stress fracture is recognized early, the person should stop activities that aggravate the fracture. The fracture should be treated properly o prevent a through and through break of the bone, prolonging the healing time. In more advanced and severe cases, crutches and a cast are necessary.
Improper Treatment Can Lead to Arthritis
Without proper treatment of a fracture: A deformity may occur, limiting motion of the foot or joint Arthritis may develop in the joint You may develop chronic pain Therefore, it is not true when people say” there is nothing you can do for a broken bone in the foot”.